Monday, October 4, 2010

Things I learned today.

1) Going to the chiropractor HURTS.
2) At some point in my life, I broke my neck and never knew. (But it's cool, because it's healed now.)
3) I think being a Jackrabbit (aka student at South Dakota State University) would be awesome!
4) Regent University is a more conservative Christian school than Calvin and Cornerstone combined.
5) I broke my tailbone and never knew... I do a number on my body, I guess?
6) I obviously have an awesomely large pain tolerance.
7) I should avoid gluten because it hates me
8) If there was any food-like item I would choose to be allergic or sensitive to, it would NOT be gluten.
9) People at MSU don't call you back.
10) Even college graduates are sometimes immature.

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