Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Afterall, you're my wonderwall.

So today I was reading Facebook, as I do most Tuesday mornings, and I was happy to see all of the posts about getting out to vote. Heck, even Facebook itself had a vote button going and a count at the top of the screen to show how many people voted already today. It was awesome! However, as I scrolled down through my news feed, I noticed that one of my friends, a very politically charged one, said he wouldn't be voting today. One of his friends, a fellow environmentalist and Christian had commented saying he agreed and wouldn't be voting either. I was in shock. How could someone so opinionated and so good care so little about voting?

So, being the rather blunt person that I am, I commented too. I said I was surprised at the lack of caring he had and that if he wanted the government to stop wasting resources and start using morals and values, he ought to get out to the polls.

My comment did not go unchallenged, though. And then, of course, although my arguments were incredibly logical, they were challanged by those who don't care about government and apparently don't realize just how much the government affects our lives. I'm sorry, I'm a Christian just like these people, but God doesn't balance the state budget. God doesn't fix roads. God doesn't give tax breaks or food stamps or medicare and medicade. God doesn't run the state or the country, especially not if faithful people don't elect like-minded people for office. I really don't see a way that you could possibly avoid understanding that.

Seriously, it's astonishing the level of ignorance and irresponsibility abounding in the US today. And beyond that, I'm a little bit sad to be a person of faith today. If all that God has done for us and taught us means so little that you can't even try to help those around you by voting in people who are also faithful, then I don't want to be associated with you.

So PLEASE, for the love of God and country, go out and vote today. And if you don't, and I hear you complain or see you at a rally or you even so much as comment on taxes, I swear I will slap you silly!


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